How do I join in?

Grab some googly eyes and start eyebombing! You don't have to sign up anywhere or join a formal event to participate (although you can if you like!) - simply stick some eyes somewhere that might make someone else smile. Feel free to spread the word get your friends involved too!

When is it?

Founded in 2017, IGED is celebrated every year on April 6th (although googly eyes are fun all year round, of course!) 

Why Intergalactic Googly Eye Day?

The original name for the holiday was International Googly Eye Day........... but at the very first celebratory dinner on the very first occasion, our sci-fi loving honoree, Jason, announced that he did not want the holiday to be alienist, and so it was immediately expanded to include all beings who may reside not only in our galaxy, but any galaxy and all the spaces in between.  May we all come together to enjoy googly eyes (even if they resemble different body parts for some lifeforms).

So what do I do?

Apply googly eyes to inanimate objects in a way that makes you enjoy them more (and hopefully those around you too).  Anything that suggests a face or a head.....there ya go.   You can start gently -staplers, pepper grinders, paper towel dispensers.... and then when you're ready to graduate from Eye-bombing 101, the world is your oscillating ocular objects oyster.

Any tips on how to become an eyebomber extraordinaire?

Are there any rules?